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265 Ferry Street Scottsville, VA   24590 434.286.4386
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do you have questions? We have answers! We hear a lot of the same questions every day, so below we have provided a list of some of the most common ones to help you get ready for your river adventure. Don’t be afraid to call us at 434.286.4386 if you don’t see your question here!

    What is your cancellation policy?

    ► Click here for full details (pdf)

    Can I make a reservation online?

    We require advanced reservations in order to be more prepared for your group. Same day reservations are accepted but on busy weekends so it’s worth planning ahead. Follow the link here if you wish to make an online booking. Please take an extra moment to verify that your email and contact number is correct when booking online in the case of inclement weather causing cancellations… Our number is 434.286.4386.

    Where do I start?

    Booking online in advance is highly recommended. You can always call the same day to check availability but no guarantees. Upon arrival at our HQ at at 265 Ferry Street in Scottsville, Va 24590,  (GPS link) come on in to let the staff know you’ve arrived. Waivers should be filled out in advance and can be found in your reservation confirmation emails.  After you check in, you will be instructed to move your vehicle riverside  where you will exit the water when the trip is over. Before leaving HQ to park, you should make sure anything that you plan on taking on the river is outside at the benches. (coolers, fishing gear, etc.) Anything you want to keep safe and dry should be left in your vehicle. After parking, you will walk a short distance back to HQ, and you may hand over you keys for safekeeping and wait for your shuttle driver for trip briefing and drive to the launch. One of the staff members will call your last name and you will then load up and take your river-worthy belongings with you.

    What can I do with my phone? My keys?

    Anything that you hold near and dear to your heart, SHOULD BE LOCKED IN YOUR CAR and not taken on the river. This includes: a change of clothes, towels, cell phones, wallets, all other non-waterproof electronics etc. We also offer a key holding service so after you’ve parked at our riverfront lot, you will check your keys in with the ladies at HQ. When exiting the river at the end of your trip, look out for the big red key board where staff will help you find your keys.

    Can I go barefoot?

    No, no, and did we say NO..? We require that everyone wear shoes before loading the bus and require that you wear them throughout your trip. River shoes work best, but so do old sneakers or anything that straps on at the heel and toe. Long story short, flip flops are useless and get lost easily. The river bottom can be rough and have rocks, glass and abandoned fishing lures along the bottom from fellow river floaters, so try to keep them on at all times.

    What do people usually take on the river?

    Most trips take a few hours so we suggest bringing along a cooler with some drinks and snacks. Most people pack a picnic lunch and rent an additional tube for the cooler to take on the water. There are places to stop along the way including islands, sand bars and large rocks. We do not allow styrofoam coolers or glass containers on the river so leave those at home.

    Can we drink alcohol on the river?

    • We will not provide outfitting services to those who choose to abuse alcohol and break the laws regulating its usage.
    • There will be no open alcohol allowed in our parking lots, vehicles, put in or take out spots, or office.
    • Open alcohol containers are against the law at DWR landings/parking lots and public areas.
    • Alcohol use in our campgrounds is a personal choice for adults of legal age, can be dangerous, and is not encouraged by JRR&R. Designated drivers are always recommended and ride share services are available in our area.
    • Those who abuse the privilege by exhibiting unreasonable behavior will be escorted out of the campgrounds with NO refund and will be subject to possible legal repercussions.
    • Public intoxication is against the law and local police will enforce this.
    • The public is forewarned that enforcement roadblocks and on-water officers have become commonplace.
    • Designated drivers are a necessity for the safety of all of us.
    • We reserve the right to restrict cooler items or check ID’s.
    • We will not put out coolers with glass bottles or hard liquor.

    Can we tie our tubes together?

    We do not recommend that tubers tie themselves into a big flotilla for multiple reasons: Getting caught up on rocks in a big group can get dangerous with that much string and faster flowing water. We will tie people to their coolers and we make exceptions for a parent wanting to be tied to a small child. It’s just as easy to have everyone prop their feet up on the cooler tube in a circle in case you hit rocks/rapids or if nature calls….

    Will you shuttle my boat or just me?

    We are not a shuttle service unfortunately and do not have the liability coverage to shuttle any personal tubes, boats or just people. Need a shuttle, CALL JOHN! 434-960-1156. *Pleaese note that John is not a staff member nor affiliated with our company in anyway. He’s a good friend, retired that just likes to help people out*

    Will we have a guide?

    All of our trips are self-guided. Once you get on the shuttle bus, the driver will brief you about the river conditions, trip details, sign posts and what to do in case of bad weather. They will tell you how to navigate the rapids (they are mostly only class I, so don’t be frightened). All of our upriver trips end back in Scottsville where the giant bridge that crosses the river is your sign that the trip is nearly over. There are no confusing forks or turns, just float on down and have a good time.

    Can I fish out of my tube?

    We do not recommend fishing in a tube or raft because there is always a chance of hooking the rubber vessel (or a member of your party), causing it to pop or sending someone to the doctor. There is also no storage for tackle boxes or rods on tubes making it awkward. Fishing out of a canoe or kayak is a different story and there is room on both for storage.

    Can Fido or Fluffy come with us?

    As much as most dogs love the water, swimming 4 miles of it is no fun for anyone so PLEASE LEAVE ALL FURRY FRIENDS AT HOME. If you are traveling through the area with a pet, there is a groomer in town that offers short term boarding and she can be reached here: Kathy’s Pet Grooming 434.987.3709Service animals are allowed and credentials must be presented upon arrival.

    Can I bring my toddler?

    The youngest age to go on a trip with us is 6 years old. The child and parent should also be competent swimmers, but will be given a life jacket regardless. To kayak by themselves, the child must be at least 10 years old. We will allow a 6 year old in a canoe with a competent adult paddler.

    I’m a big person, what can I do?

    All of our tubes are essentially the same size. However, we have fluffier tubes for bigger folks. The tube maximum capacity is around 300 lbs but the river level is the deciding factor. A larger person will float better in 4’ average depth or higher as the flow is better and they are less likely to hit obstructions. Once the river gets down to 3’ or below, it is more difficult to get in and out of the tube. Kayaks can hold a person up to 275 lbs and canoes have a combined weight max of 600 lbs.

    What if I don’t want to go home?

    We have riverside tent campsites available for $12 per person per night. The campground is dual purpose as it is also where our daytrippers park. When you make a reservation to go tubing/canoeing/kayaking you can ask about camping and we will tack that onto your booking. We will assign you and your group to a site according to size and plans for the night (we try to separate families and party groups). If we are completely booked on camping you can also check Horseshoe Flats and KOA (in Charlottesville) for availability.

    Are discounts available?

    We offer discounts to active/retired military and all first responders. Discounts are also available to Virginia colleges and universities with a valid ID upon check in. Contact us for special group rates, discounts and more detailed information.

Need to cancel? Refunds are available with a one week notice of cancellation. Read our Cancellation Policy